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Cope with in a sentence

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Sentence count:243+18Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: matchmeetSimilar words: cooperate withlive withagree within line withkeep pace withmake peace withinterfere withfall in love withMeaning: v. satisfy or fulfill. 
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121. There are many people who suffer due to lack of affordable housing to rent and inability to cope with mortgage repayments.
122. They have to cope with the constantly changing needs of patients, doctors and management.
123. To survive, they learned to cope with the stresses associated with negative feedback and emotions.
124. Dolphins have an ingenious adaptation to cope with eating under water.
125. To cope with inflation, buy stocks of companies that annually raise your dividends substantially.
126. Yet, as Margaret Donaldson points out, the ability to cope with disembedded tasks is crucial to educational success.
127. However, the so-called Street v Mountford test fails to cope with the demands placed upon it by its own social context.
128. The carers were asked how they felt about these problems, and whether any were difficult to cope with.
129. Theodora wondered whether it was a room which could cope with the demands of the modern world.
130. They learn how to deal with the public, tally orders, handle money and cope with rejection.
131. The situation is difficult to cope with unless you rehearse in advance some useful strategies.
132. Women must cope with working and taking care of the household and the family.
133. The automatic sorting machines cannot always cope with colored envelopes.
134. In 1928 a new Churchgate was designed, mainly to cope with suburban traffic.
135. So NewCo should be able to cope with back-year claims as they arise.
136. The smaller family units can not cope with grandparents either in terms of money or space.
137. How can students cope with the limited resources at their command?
138. Such overwintering vats should be as simple as possible: externally filtered zeolite somewhere in the system to cope with ammonia.
139. And they will shape the way we cope with the future.
140. This in itself provides a complicated emotional scenario for the bereaved person to cope with.
141. Similarly, banks make merchandise loans to enable customers to cope with seasonal imports especially where bulk purchases might ensure considerable discounts.
142. I do believe it wasn't just inability to cope with a terrible handicap.
143. When I got back from holiday,[ with.html] I had an enormous backlog of work to cope with.
144. These machines usually cope with two or three different sizes of pipe.
145. They Simply would not have the flexibility or the speed of reaction to cope with the complexities of everyday life.
146. The environment cannot cope with our abuse of air, water, and land.
147. Central to our research are questions such as: how do design firms cope with strategic change?
148. As we have discussed, Louisa favored an escape pattern as a way to cope with her problems.
149. In addition to their own emotional turmoil, parents must cope with the demands and expectations of those around them.
150. Foster parents were not always equipped to cope with the vagaries of their own children, let alone the problems of outsiders.
More similar words: cooperate withlive withagree within line withkeep pace withmake peace withinterfere withfall in love withcommunicate within accordance withcopescopetelescopewithwithoutgo withwithindo withdown withwith youngwithdrawgo withoutdo withoutplay withtalk withget on withbear withmeet withdeal withend up with
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